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Nur Hamidah Anggrayni Hidayat
Endah Kamila Mas’udah
Reni Wahyu Triningsih


Blighted ovum or anembryonic pregnancy is a condition where a woman is pregnant but there is no fetus in her womb, because the fertilized ovum does not develop. Until now, the cause of blighted ovum cannot be detected because the symptoms are not specific. Generally, blighted ovum occurs in the first trimester and allows it to recur in subsequent pregnancies. The purpose of this study was to describe the incidence of blighted ovum. The research method used was Literature Review which was obtained from 3 databases namely PubMed, ResearchGate and Google Scholar with the inclusion criteria of Sinta and Scopus accredited journals. The research results from 5 journals obtained characteristics based on age, parity, immunological, and genetic abnormalities in pregnant women who experienced blighted ovum. Conclusion: Pregnant women who experience blighted ovum have characteristics of age> 40 years with multigravida and grandemultigravida parity, have immunological and genetic disorders.

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How to Cite
Nur Hamidah Anggrayni Hidayat, Endah Kamila Mas’udah, & Reni Wahyu Triningsih. (2023). OVERVIEW OF BLIGHTED OVUM CASES. SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery, 9(1), 13-17. Retrieved from https://journal-aipkind.or.id/index.php/seajom/article/view/198


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