Keefektifan Alat Bantu Ajar Low-Cost Pada Pembelajaran Klinis AKDR

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Sandra G.J. Tombokan


Teaching aids in clinical learning in midwifery education are essential. However, not all tools manufactured and sold meet the 'low-cost' quality standard. The IUD insertion and disposal aids tool has been created by JM Metha by modifying the already-sold-out tools for the purposes of the previously mentioned clinical learning. Therefore, this study is intended to prove that the 'Metha' tool meets three criteria of 'realistic, durable, and inexpensive' teaching aids in addition to being 'safe' because they are made of non-hazardous fabrics.

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How to Cite
Tombokan, S. G. (2018). Keefektifan Alat Bantu Ajar Low-Cost Pada Pembelajaran Klinis AKDR. SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery, 4(1), 22-26.